About Us

About Us

About Us

Demented Market Place

The brand “Demented Marketplace” was created after a mishap with my mother in 2016; she had Dementia for seven years. It emphasizes how severe this disease can be if not addressed or not prevented at the right time. The incident took a toll on me, and I decided never to let this happen to others. It changed my perspective and left a huge question in my mind, why didn’t I know about this when it started?

That’s where Demented Marketplace comes in to make a change and to save people from experiencing the pain this disease is causing them; the more people will know about it, the more they can take a step to end it, which is our no.1  mission. With the idea of spreading awareness, we thought of transforming it into a prevalent fashion today, and FYI, people love it. Along with the message, you can show off your Dementia fashion trends, so that’s hitting two targets with one arrow, and both are nobbling plus positive.

We believe that accidents happen but should not continue, which requires a step to stop them. Dementia Market Place is a remarkable step towards positivity and awareness through quality Demential street style clothing line and other supportive apparel.

A portion of every clothing piece that you buy is donated straight to the Foundation for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Awareness and Research. So, do not suffer or let anyone suffer!
